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Article: Herbal



Tisanes and herbal infusions do not contain caffeine, so they help replenish the body of lost water, making them perfect to drink after an invigorating workout. Brilliant hot or cold!

Fruit tisanes and herbals are very refreshing, taste great and have a slew of health benefits. They contain many nutrients that are important to our bodies, including Vitamins A, B2, C, D, E and Folic Acid (B9) and minerals such as Potassium, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium and Manganese.

“A wise herbal merchant sold me a few golden flowers. Later, sipping the infusion, I felt calm and well. Now, I look to my teapot when my spirits need a lift.""

Map of where TEALEAVES sources its flowers, fruits and spices for its herbal blends

From Where?

TEALEAVES sources its flowers, fruits and spices from 60+ countries.

Germany (Herbs & Flowers)
Canada (Berries, other fruits)
China (Flowers)
Portland (Peppermint)
Egypt (Chamomile)
France (Lavender)
Argentina (Yerba Mate)
USA (Citrus Peels)
India (Saffron, Carda

Make The Perfect Cup of Herbal

Essential Herbals


loose leaf TEA | herbal


loose leaf TEA | herbal


loose leaf TEA | herbal